Tips for living in a rented apartment in Hollywood
When you want to live in Hollywood you have to be prepared for a number of things that can come up your way. None of those things is your favorite actor or actress. Opposite to the popular belief, when you go to live in Hollywood chances are very slim that you will bump into some of your favorite famous people. So, for now, we can scratch that off your list, and let’s go to the more important things. Are you renting? Living in a rented apartment in Hollywood can be really nice if you know how to handle it. The way you will be living in a rented apartment in Hollywood depends on more factors than one. Here we will try to give you some pointers on how to live your best life in this intriguing place.
Living in a rented apartment in Hollywood 101
Living in a rented apartment anywhere, not just in Hollywood has its own rules. It will always have rules you need to follow because as the word itself says, it is rented. This means that someone else is the owner; therefore he will have some rules. What is important for you is to have a contract and you have to read it very well before signing it. There may be some items in the contract that you won’t like.
That is when you should talk to the landlord and try to meet halfway. You have to fight your battles when you are in Hollywood and just one of those battles is to have a life you need in the rented apartment. Rent in Hollywood is not small, completely the opposite, if you want to find a nice apartment with everything that is necessary for a normal life it will cost you. Everyone knows that the costs of living in Hollywood can be pretty high.
Hollywood and your budget
As we mentioned, Hollywood is not cheap. There are so many people that come here to pursue their luck and only a few out of thousands make it. Of course, this shouldn’t discourage you. Maybe you are one of those few who will make it. You will never know if you never try. That is why you should go and see what is out there. And living in Hollywood on a budget can be possible if you organize your incomes well. Therefore, take a pen and paper and make a plan that will suit your needs. In the beginning, it will probably be hard until you find a job, but once you do your life in Hollywood will become somewhat easier.

Plan your costs
Living in a rented apartment in Hollywood doesn’t mean that you should give up on some things. If you came to Hollywood to work hard in the first place, then at least what you can do is to make a haven for yourself. Decorate the apartment the way you like it. Even if it is rented, you have every right to create an enjoyable place for yourself. There is nothing better, then after a long hard-working day to come home and lay down, read a book or make something to eat, in a place that maybe you can call home. And you cannot do that if you don’t feel right there. That is why you should decorate it the way you will like it.
There are so many ways to decorate your rented apartment without having to spend a lot of money. We will try and give you some ideas.
- Change curtains
- Paint the apartment
- Add photos
- Bring a different kind of plants
- Remove the things you don’t like
These are only some of the ideas you can use. There are plenty more online. Videos, tutorials, whatever you want. Use those ideas and make your rented apartment your safe place. Curtains make a lot of good change in the apartment especially if they are in some warm color. If you want to repaint the apartment check what your landlord has to say about it, he will probably be happy about it. Add photos all around your apartment, you will feel closer to your family.
When it comes to adding plants, check online to see which ones are the best for the type of the apartment where you live in. And finally, declutter. Remove the things you don’t like, check with the landlord if he can help you. Maybe he has some storage where you can place those items you don’t like.

Decorate your apartment as you wish when living in a rented apartment in Hollywood
Location, location, location
Most people say that location is most important. Whether you are looking for an apartment or you are looking for a place to open a business. However, this is not the case when you are coming to Hollywood. Location is not that important especially if you are on a budget. That is why you shouldn’t believe that rule blindly. Yes, it would be great if you would find a great apartment downtown, that doesn’t cost a lot, but chances for that are pretty low. Therefore, it is more important to find a decent apartment a bit further from the center or your work than to find some really bad apartment, with high rent in the center. Clear your priorities to think what is important for you.

Pay attention to the location when looking for an apartment to rent
Living in a rented apartment in Hollywood can be a great experience for you. Make this apartment great, make it your home. It is extremely important that after a bad or a good day, you have your own place to come back to. Where you can put your feet up, and enjoy a cup of coffee. Do not compromise; it is possible to find a good apartment, with a good landlord who will let you make the apartment in your own taste and with a rent that won’t make you go crazy.