Learn everything you need to know about making Aliyah with children

Tips for making Aliyah with children

We all love to travel and visit other states and countries. New places hold the promise of new adventures and acquaintances, be it with people, culture or experiences. However, relocation is something completely different, especially one that requires you to travel across the globe. And this is precisely what making Aliyah requires you to do. However, it might not be as difficult for a young adult or even a newly married couple with no children to do. But, making Aliyah with children carries an entirely new set of obstacles to overcome. So, perhaps we can help you tackle some of these before the moving day comes.

Bunch of passports

Relocation requires a lot of preparation, especially Aliyah

No matter where you are moving to, planning and preparation remains a constant

The challenge of relocation is never an easy one to handle. And when you decide on an international relocation to Israel, it is especially impossible without a proper moving plan. That plan will usually consist of several important steps:

  • Preparing your family for Aliyah
  • Finding and hiring the best relocation company in Israel to assist you
  • Planning the packing process
  • Finding a residence for your family in Israel etc.

All in all, the transition is a difficult one to partake in, especially when it involves your entire family. But as long as you start preparing on time and exploring ways of making Aliyah with children easier, you should be just fine. Today, we focus on some important guidelines when it comes to helping your children adapt to Aliyah.

Making Aliyah with children requires a positive attitude

You have to remember that children tend to pick up on the attitude parents have towards a certain action. So, how you act towards the relocation will have an impact on how they will accept it. A good starting point would be to have a sit down with your children and explain to them why this is so important. You need to help your kids cope with relocation to ensure their long-term happiness. Perhaps share with them your first time making Aliyah and how it influenced your life.

Happy family

You have to lead by example when making Aliyah with children – smile

Make sure that your children know what to expect

A large part of accepting a new environment comes down to knowing what to expect. And your children need to understand the differences between their current schooling systems and how education in Israel work. Shorter time spent in school, different days off, extracurricular activities, etc. it can all make a difference. Here are some of the main points of consideration when it comes to the educational system in Israel:

  • Shorter days and longer weeks
  • Bigger classes and moderately equipped schools
  • Less emphasis on reading and academics
  • Independence among children outside the classrooms
  • Rotating teachers for different subjects
  • Teachers that don’t hold back from shouting

And don’t forget about the fact that your children will be learning Hebrew, which is no simple thing to do for Olim kids. It will be up to you to encourage them to embrace the language by spending more time with Hebrew speakers and less with English ones.

Have your children join sports and extracurricular activities

Chugim (extracurricular activities) are perfect for Olim children that are looking for a simple way to fit into a new community. Not only does it offer you kids with a chance to make new friends, but it makes the transition much easier on them since they can do sports that they used to back home. Don’t forget that making Aliyah with children is a stressful occasion, so you should take what you can to make it easier.

Kids looking at geography book

Teach your children to welcome the notion of extracurricular activities

Adjustment should be the priority, for both yourself and your children

It’s your job as a parent to ensure that the children have everything they might need to adjust to their new environment. So, you have to set your priorities straight. Rather than having high expectations in regards to their grades, make sure that your children are happy before all else. After all, parents are the ones making Aliyah with children, not the other way around.

It’s our job to show them that this is an exciting new experience in their lives and the potential that Israel brings. We are the ones that need to help them to become a part of the Israeli society. Take them on Tiyulim or plan a trip to the beach – anything that might give them the fun space they need.

Plan for days off as a useful transition tool

Getting used to life without Sundays can be quite challenging, for any person, let alone a child. Hence, you need to give them something to substitute this loss. And a “mental health day” is one of the finer ideas that you can explore. It’s one of the better decisions that you can make, and one that will ensure their sense of independence and post-Aliyah happiness.

Get the best assistance when making Aliyah with children

Aliyah is a journey that will require a lot from both you and your family. However, it is also a rewarding experience – one that you will never forget nor regret. And one of the best ways to ensure the success of it is with the assistance of a professional relocation company such as Kef international Ltd. We are here to ensure the stress-free and top-rate relocation to Israel that you are looking for. So, if you are interested in making Aliyah with children, be sure to contact us today or get a free quote from us. We are here, and we are eager to offer our guidance!

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