How to choose the right moving assistance option?
It is a widely known fact that moving is hard. It requires a lot of time and a lot of effort. And when combined with the everyday obligations that all of us face, it can be a nerve-wracking and extremely stressful procedure. Luckily, there is a way to make it easier. If you choose the right moving assistance option, you’ll save yourself a lot of time and a lot of nerves. So, without further ado, here’s how to choose the right moving assistance option.
Another sign that you’re dealing with the people who will provide the right moving assistance option is that they will ask you which of your belongings you are planning to donate or otherwise get rid of. Before you initially receive the moving representative, make sure that you have determined which belongings you will be transporting. Otherwise, they won’t be able to give you a precise estimate.
There are many horror stories of this type. For example, the rogue movers might claim that their estimate didn’t include the deposit. If you don’t give them the additional money, they might simply take off with all of your belongings. These things really do happen, so be careful. Depending on the state, encountering rogue movers can be more likely to happen. For example, Florida has an especially bad reputation for the number of rogue movers operating there in recent years. Luckily, that’s not always the case. Reliable moving professionals offer their assistance in Florida – don’t think twice and take it.
For another, extra measure of safety, ask the company representative to give you at least three references. These references should come in the form of their previous, satisfied customers and their phone numbers. Call these customers, politely introduce yourself, and ask for their opinion on the respective moving company.
Choose the right moving assistance option and get a free estimate
First of all, you should know that reliable moving companies, such as authoritymovinggroup.com, will give you a free cost estimate. Upon contacting the moving company, they should offer to come by your house and give you an estimate. If they don’t, that’s a telltale sign that you’re dealing with rogue movers, the kind of movers who only want to con you. The professionals, on the other hand, will weight your belongings. They will check all the items that you’re planning to transport. After doing that, they’ll be able to give you an estimate. Weighing all the belongings that you’ll be transporting is important because their weight has a direct influence on the price of the move.
After getting a free estimate, you’ll know just how many dollars will you need for the move.
Not only should the estimate be free, but it should be binding as well
A reliable moving company will offer to give you a binding estimate. There are three different types of a moving contract: a non-binding estimate, a non-binding to exceed estimate, and a binding estimate. If a company gives you a non-binding estimate, that means that a company has the right to ask you for up to 10 percent more money than what was originally estimated. Rogue movers might actively plan to ask you for the additional money. A non-binding to exceed estimate guarantees that you won’t have to pay more money than what was estimated. As such, it is definitely a good option.However, we still believe that the advice to choose a binding estimate is one of the better tips and tricks related to hiring movers that we can offer you. Why? Because then all additional services that you may want will be a part of the original estimate. For example, if you choose to hire the movers to help you with unpacking as well, that won’t cost you any extra money. It is important to have a firm grasp on your moving budget. You don’t want to get yourself in trouble and exceed your budget.Don’t give a deposit before the move
The movers providing the right moving assistance won’t ask for a deposit before your belongings are delivered. If they do – they’re probably rogue movers. So, don’t give them the deposit. If you do, you’re leaving your belongings at the mercy of potentially fraudulent movers. You’re leaving yourself without any leverage.
If you give a deposit to the rogue movers, they might simply take off with all of your things, like the dirty thieves they are!
The company representative should answer the phone with the name of the company
Another sign that you’re dealing with a rotten company is the way that they answer their phone. Instead of answering with the name of the company, they might provide a generic answer, such as: “Movers here”. They will do this because such “companies” operate under several different names. They don’t want to be assessed by the Better Business Bureau, so they often change their name. Of course, the company should have one name only, it should have an address, and all the necessary information regarding insurance and licensing.Similarly, their vans should have the name of the company and its logo on it. And the workers should have the same things on their uniforms, plus a name tag. If they don’t, explore all your options, and look elsewhere.The right moving assistance options will be able to give you solid references
The next step is to get proper references. You can, for example, google for reviews. Look out for companies that don’t have many reviews, and the ones that they do have are all positive. That could be a sign of a company posting fake reviews. Of course, especially cunning rogue movers might also post some negative reviews (while keeping the positive one predominant), just to get you off track. That’s why you should also ask your friends and relatives when looking for the right moving assistance option. That way, you’ll also be able to find cheap, but reliable movers.
Pick up the phone and call the company’s previous customer in order to determine if it’s the right moving assistance option or not!
To recapitulate
So, let us quickly recapitulate:- The right moving assistance options will provide you with a free estimate.
- Get a binding estimate.
- Don’t give out a deposit before your belongings are delivered.
- Be careful of the way the company representative answers their phone.
- Get proper references.